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Wednesday, 22 April 2009

It's A Guido Christmas


  1. As a member of the queer community, I must point out that even queers aren't THAT gay

  2. i can't fucking believe it

  3. One brought mir, one brought frankincense, but they all brought bronze.

  4. Do these shitdicks realize that pouring a litre of gel in their hair and spraying on a tan is women's territory?

  5. Im from Jersey and let me just say that if you ever go down the shore these boys (and girls) are everywheree. It's all gelled hair, Ed Hardy, blonde highlights in black hair, and girl's bangs pinned back in what we like to call the "guido bump".
    Trust me, it's a species in itself.
    gotta love em though =]

  6. Goddamn those are the douchiest son of a bitches I have ever seen! And, what's up with the spray on tan? It looks more like Al Jolsen in black face.
